We are so thrilled to be looking ahead to our spring season! Registration is officially open, so keep reading to find out the details for our spring season (and a few other notes!)
WHEN & WHERE: We are excited to be rehearsing on Wednesdays at NPC (Northlands Parkway Collegiate) from 6:45 - 8:00 pm. Rehearsals are set to start on April 24th, and our concert(s) will be on the afternoon/evening of Sunday, June 9th! COST: As an organization, we believe that a truly inclusive choral community prioritizes access for all people, regardless of financial resources. In line with our organizational values, we follow a "Pay What You Can" model with a suggested donation amount based on our costs for the season. This year, our suggested donation amount is $40. BUT we want to emphasize: we truly mean it when we say that you are a full and valued member of our choir community whether you pay $0, $40, or enough to cover the fees for another singer. We are a community that takes care of each other, and there are many ways in which to do this - not just financial. REGISTRATION: You can find the registration forms by scrolling further down on this page!! MIDDLE YEARS CHOIR: We are pleased to announce that we will once again be running our Middle Years Choir this spring! They'll rehearse for 6 weeks and then perform at the concert with us. They typically do 3 songs of their own, and then join the adult choir for a mass number. Registrations will open later this week, and there is NO cost for middle years singers to join. All grade 5-8 students willing to make the drive to Winkler are welcome! Visit our website to learn more. Thanks for being part of our Prairie Soundscape community! We hope to see many singers return, and we look forward to the new faces who will be joining us! As always, please reach out if you have any questions! We can't wait to make music again soon! the Prairie Soundscape Board P.S. We're always keen to welcome new board members! Reach out if you're interested in discussing roles or opportunities! Returning MembersPlease fill out this application! https://forms.gle/iam5c7t6kR7AnmXN9 New MembersPlease fill out this application! https://forms.gle/wk9ZHi8pD7Xr563UA
Stay tuned for more details coming VERY SOON!